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Chickens Feeding Habits
Chickens Eating Habits Depending on what you would like out of your chooks could depend on what you would like to feed them. If you are after good eggs, then keeping your hens healthy is ideal for egg production. Chickens normally eat as soon as they rise, so having food accessible for them first thing in the morning is good. They eat all though out the day on and off, so have food and water available for them. In between eating they love to prune and sun themselves. A readymade pellet or meal is a good nutritional diet, along with...
How Chickens get Oxygen Inside the Egg
We found this great video and wanted to share it.Credits to NPR for the video.
RED MITES!!! Its the time of the year when these Tiny Red Mites breed quickly and infiltrate our chicken coops. If left unchecked they will multiply quickly and the health of your chickens with deteriorate. Red Mites will stop your chickens laying regularly and eventually they will stop all together. In severe cases your chickens will loose condition and become anemic which can cause death. What is the best way to stop the spread of Mites? We have found the best way to stop them is with a combined approach. Follow these steps to halt the mite breeding cycle and...
How to Test a Hygrometer
Use this test to check to make sure it is accurate.
Should Eggs be Cleaned before incubating?
How dirty is too dirty?
Does cleaning harm the eggs?
Anxious breeders often ask these questions, and we’re here to help answer them.
The short answer is: only if absolutely necessary and with great caution. Cleaning can do more harm than good.